Ever wish you could become one of those rare morning people? The ones that wake with a start, feeling refreshed […]
Choosing to use twitter as a marketing strategy gives your business a number of marketing advantages. With this decision, your […]
With billions of people using social media and every day you hear someone saying " I saw it in Facebook" or "did you see that on Youtube". You ask yourself does my business need to be in that conversation? The answer is YES ! there is 1.3 billion people logging into Facebook daily. Which controls 60% of social media content, you need a strategy to be a part of that conversation.
SEM Digital Strategies are a must and this blog will highlight the reasons why and challenge you to explore your […]
Things to know when Hiring a Marketing agency
Google Search When you google your business, what do you find? Can you see it?  Is the information you do […]
Digital Marketing At Giraffe Marketing LLC, our goal is to find the most compatible digital strategy for you and your […]
Difference between SEO / SEM How are SEO and SEM different and why are they important to your marketing strategy? […]
Edwin Gerace As a businessman, community leader, and volunteer, Edwin Gerace understands the needs of business leaders in the Midlands […]
Website Development What is Giraffe Marketing? We are a website development company created with you in mind. We will work with […]