Choosing to use twitter as a marketing strategy gives your business a number of marketing advantages. With this decision, your company now has the ability to plan, create, and share content relevant to your business and engage with a new customer base. By generating engaging post, you provide the opportunity for open dialogue on your business ideas and concepts. Learn more about Twitter with Giraffe Marketing Agency below.
Why Twitter is considered a great social media tool:
- This social media, unlike others, is free to use
- This strategy provides ease of use and access with availability on any smart device (smart phone or tablet) and a computer.
- Twitters platform allows its users to post numerous types of content from blogs and news articles to images and videos.
- Twitter is available worldwide, this means you are able to reach an audience outside the US with little to no effort.
- Twitter can be used as a search engine
- This platform is designed for social engagement allowing you to converse with current and future consumers.
Twitter consumers are your consumers:
- Over 30 million people use twitter every month
- Roughly 20% of the adults in the US are users on this platform
- Over 30% of the users say they can recall something they saw on Twitter
- In excess of 50% of all Twitter users take action after seeing a brand mentioned
Using Twitter to grow your business:
- Daily Tweets
- Repost, Tweet and Retweet
- Know which hashtags(#) to use and use them properly
- Follow reliable and relevant persons to help build connections
- Follow mutual friends, this will allow like-minded individuals access to your posts
- Do not post spam items. Only post items relevant to your business ideas or trends. If you begin posting spam you will lose the attention of your audience.
- If you find posts interesting then be sure to comment or retweet them, this will make your account visible to those with similar interests and ideas.
- Be sure to provide a Twitter bio on your account, this will allow your consumers an insight into who you are and what you provide, even if it is brief.
- Be sure to link your Twitter account to all of social media and web accounts you may have, visibility is key.
I would encourage you to follow me on Twitter @GiraffeMarketingLLC . Learn more about Twitter with Giraffe Marketing Agency.
Twitter with Giraffe Marketing Agency
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