The power blog content Blogging in the digital era is an excellent way to establish your business as a thought […]
The Power of Social Media  Whether you’re seeking to promote your business’s products or services, or you’re simply eager to […]
Giraffe Marketing Your social media expert and partner. Marketing Agency Social Media Agency
Responsive Search ads are pretty flexible ads that find a way to show the message to a customer he must have been looking for. You enter multiple descriptions and headlines when creating the ad.  Google's learning system will mix reports and headlines and test which combination of ads performs well over time. Customers will get to see the most relevant and preferred message.
Should you invest in digital marketing in 2021? Keep reading to check out the most spectacular reasons and benefits of digital marketing for small businesses.
Find it difficult to choose between SEO and SEM? Make a better decision using these six critical factors. Keep reading […]
Your custom website makes you look Professional Your website can attract new customers to the search engines You can link […]
SEM Digital Strategies are a must and this blog will highlight the reasons why and challenge you to explore your […]
Difference between SEO / SEM How are SEO and SEM different and why are they important to your marketing strategy? […]
Website Development What is Giraffe Marketing? We are a website development company created with you in mind. We will work with […]